Wednesday, October 23, 2013

you told me that you are nothing
and I said
whoever told you that was wrong, because you are not.
you responded that it was the voice inside your head
the one that nags at you constantly,
change this, fix that.
but that voice is a liar. that voice wants you to feel weak
so that it can rise above you.
it tells you that you've done wrong. you've hurt.
but let me tell you
that no matter what you have done, whoever you have wronged,
there is always someone that is big enough to forgive,
always someone that will accept you unconditionally.
I heard someone once say that you are not your pain,
and I think to myself how true that is.
the pain you feel is not a reflection of who you really are,
but of those around you.
and there is someone that will take that pain away,
someone that will tell you that you are perfect
and they will always mean it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

you will find
that even through this suffering or pain
that something has to give.
something will, and you are going to be free
and you will wonder what ever was holding you back.

and there is someone out there
he will find you.
maybe you have to wait,
maybe you have to search.
but your time will come and he will come
and you will wonder what you saw in anyone else.

you just have to be patient for now,
but soon everything will be here for you.
you will be what you want,
everything will happen the way it is supposed to.
fear nothing, because nothing is worth fearing.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

when skies are gray...

you have become my sunshine.
i discovered you,
like a gem hidden under a pile of rubble.
it could be dark all around me
but when i turn to you i will see everything clear as day,
and i am no longer afraid.
you are the light at the end of the tunnel,
the colors of the sky when the sun meets the horizon.
you are the shapes the stars make
and you give reason.